Use "dissociate|dissociated|dissociates|dissociating" in a sentence

1. She tried to dissociate herself from her past.

2. I want to dissociate myself from my companions.

3. PFOA is dissociated under physiological conditions into perfluorooctanoate (PFO).

4. An anti-fouling agent, especially against biofilms, for wet surfaces contains a mixture of at least one water-soluble, weakly dissociating, organic acid and at least one water-soluble, weakly dissociating, organic per-acid.

5. I dissociate myself from everything he has said.

6. I wish to dissociate myself from Mr Irvine's remarks.

7. It is often difficult to dissociate cause from effect.

8. It's difficult to dissociate the man from his position.

9. It is impossible to dissociate language from culture.

10. I wish to dissociate myself from those views.

11. Remarkably, we find we can completely dissociate these two abnormalities.

12. Methods for dissociating cells are therefore more drastic and not necessarily compatible with long-term viability.

13. Bi-Bivalent definition is - relating to or being an electrolyte that dissociates into two Bivalent ions.

14. The second enzyme ( 0.25 % trypsin ) was used to dissociate RPE cells.

15. Most party members are keen to dissociate themselves from the extremists.

16. Provided additional steps are taken, the method is also applicable to dissociating or associating compounds (paragraph 12).

17. She tried to dissociate the two events in her mind.

18. He tried to dissociate himself from the party's more extreme views.

19. I wish to dissociate myself from what has just been said.

20. Abreacting and Assimilating Traumatic, Dissociated Memories of MPD Patients through Art Therapy

21. Once dissociated from coercive power, it will witness a renewal of spirituality.

22. She tried to dissociate herself from the bigotry in her past.

23. Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason.

24. Mr Kimura cannot be persuaded to dissociate himself entirely from such thugs.

25. When you Abjure something, you swear it away and dissociate yourself with it.

26. They were determined to dissociate the UN from any agreement to impose sanctions.

27. The substrate surface is then annealed to completely dissociate and activate the boron clusters.

28. The allocated non-dissociated payment credits for this action have expired on 31 December 2004.

29. At no time could his work for the press be dissociated from his political convictions.

30. This ammonia diffuses from the bloodstream into the fluid of the coelomic cavity, where it dissociates into ammonium ions.

31. The acid dissociation or ionization constant, Ka, is large, which means HCl dissociates or ionizes practically completely in water.

32. However, the acetylcholine does not remain bound; rather, it dissociates and is hydrolyzed by the enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, located in the synapse.

33. Antonyms for Communalize include disagree, disassociate, disconnect, disjoin, dissociate, divide, separate and sever

34. It is getting harder for the president to dissociate himself from the scandal.

35. By limiting cell-cell contact, dissociated adult brain yields at least two types of cell aggregates.

36. Strong Bases are Bases which completely dissociate in water into the cation and OH-(hydroxide ion)

37. Adsorbates Sentence Examples The dissociated molecules can undergo thermal reactions with neighboring surface atoms or with other Adsorbates

38. Tomato myosin interacts with skeletal F-actin to form an actomyosin complex that can be dissociated by ATP.

39. Again, traditional teaching has tended to dissociate grammar from context and to deal in isolated sentences.

40. Antonyms for Commingle include separate, unmix, disjoin, divide, part, break down, break up, disconnect, sever and dissociate

41. An Anemic person should give up coffee, black tea, alcohol, and preferably stick to a dissociated diet

42. The acid is completely dissociated down to a water:acid mole ratio of about 1.8 at room temperature.

43. To cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; isolate or dissociate emotionally: The numbing labor tended to Alienate

44. The first two of these have, for different reasons, dissociated themselves from the causal-corrective concerns of traditional criminology.

45. The following day, board chairman Sam Longson apologised to the fans and dissociated himself from Clough's remarks.

46. When contacting with dispersed γ-Al2O3, ozone molecules were found to dissociate with the efficiency η∼10−4.

47. Borates in solution form an equilibrium between the acid (undissociated) and the borate ion (dissociated and negatively charged)

48. The Baculum is one of several heterotropic skeletal elements—i.e., bones dissociated from the rest of the body skeleton

49. The Socialists wanted to dissociate themselves with the republican government, which was losing its strength and unity.

50. Reorganization of state bodies After the coup, the former pillars of the state rushed to dissociate themselves from it.

51. When carbon dioxide dissolves in water about one-percent of it forms Carbonic acid, which almost immediately dissociates to bicarbonate anions and protons

52. So, when we dissociated the feather and put it in a dish, we got a mass of blue cells.

53. Most Acids contain a hydrogen atom bonded that can release (dissociate) to yield a cation and an anion in water

54. Cation - anion exchange resin can crack and disassemble bond - chromatography , doff the bond - large - molecule and dissociate paclitaxel.

55. "When carbon dioxide dissolves in water about one-percent of it forms Carbonic acid, which almost immediately dissociates to bicarbonate anions and protons

56. Anti-Actomyosins on cell aggregation 105 (BSS) for 10 min at C 3C7 (Kemp , Jones, Cunningham & James, 1967).The dissociated cells were washed twice in Hanks's BSS

57. Abreactions are helpful in recovering dissociated or repressed traumatic material, reconnecting missing affect with recalled material and for transforming traumatic memories

58. IbpB exhibits Chaperone function in vitro and forms large amorphous aggregates that dissociate into ≈ 600-kDa oligomers following incubation at high temperatures

59. Single filaments, dissociated from the extruded Axoplasm of the squid giant axon and visualized by video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy, transport organelles bidirectionally

60. So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.

61. Axoplasm were similar to the sizes and shapes of or- ganelles moving along isolated filaments in dissociated Axoplasm (Figures 1 and 2)

62. Anions are usually shown as the second group in simple inorganic molecules, thus Cl- is the anion when common salt (NaCl) is dissociated in solution

63. 14 Those who set the monstrosity of globalisation in train seek in vain to dissociate themselves from the effects of their actions.

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65. The calculated ionization potentials are larger than the fragmentation energies of these small phosphide clusters, exhibiting a dominance of dissociate over ionization.

66. This is accompanied by limited medial excursion of the adducted eye together with a dissociated nystagmus, which is stronger in the abducting fellow eye.

67. For myosin and dissociated actomyosin, changes were observed between 37 and 50 °C, while for actomyosin large changes were observed between 20 and 50 °C.

68. Scientists have now built upon behavioral studies in mice that dissociate the beneficial analgesic and detrimental Amnesic effects of THC (Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the main psychoactive

69. After the Axoplasm is extruded from the axolemma and the cell layer attached to it, numerous nMTs begin to dissociate from the remaining bulk Axoplasm

70. It forms at pressures between 4.3 and 220 GPa, though Raman measurements suggest that the H2 molecules in Ar(H2)2 dissociate above 175 GPa.

71. The Carbonic anhydrases (or carbonate dehydratases) form a family of enzymes that catalyze the interconversion between carbon dioxide and water and the dissociated ions of Carbonic acid (i.e

72. Some practices to solve problem of carbonates and Bicarbonates in irrigation water - Injection of sulfuric acid to dissociate the bicarbonate ions (PH around 6.2) giving off carbon dioxide

73. For a molecule to dissociate as it Adsorbs, however, two adjacent vacant active sites are required rather than the single site needed when a substance Adsorbs in its molecular form

74. In particular, the Board of Appeal merely isolated and compared the word elements, finding them to be dominant, and dissociated the graphic components of the signs, finding them to be accessory.

75. The diminished stainability of the Nissl-substance and cell nuclei after mordant, would seem to indicate the formation of a chrome-nucleic acid compound that is hard to dissociate.

76. Indeed, in December 2016, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted a consensus resolution condemning rampant and well-documented human rights violations in North Korea, China dissociated itself from that consensus.

77. After analyzed the effect of preload voltage and sweep voltage on the negative electrostatic spring stiffness, a method to dissociate mechanical stiffness from the system stiffness has been provided.

78. Indeed, the onset of adrenarche and gonadarche are dissociated in a variety of disorders of sexual maturation Adrenal androgen secretions are under the control of ACTH, as shown by a series of observations.

79. It was extremely doubtful that the Covenant conferred such discretion on the Committee, which should therefore reflect on the advisability of continuing to make that recommendation, dissociated from the fate of the communication’s author.

80. Channelling is a form of Mediumship in which a person allows himself to be taken over by or to receive messages from another personality while in a dissociated state of consciousness or trance